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Best Practice London & Women's Health Professional Care events are supported by the pharmaceutical and Med Tech industries via Grants, Sponsorship, and Exhibition packages. Sessions delivered with input from our supporters will always be marked on the programme.

A full list of confirmed supporters for Best Practice London can be found here.
A full list of confirmed supporters for Women's Health Professional Care can be found here.

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Katya Masconi-Yule

Katya Masconi-Yule

Senior Programme Manager, Health Innovation Network South London
Katya is a senior programme manager, designing and delivering a wide variety to programmes supporting digital health innovators and NHS staff delivering digital transformation. Katya’s support to NHS staff, companies and the wider system includes specialist guidance on digital transformation, evidence generation, evaluation and health economics. She has a PhD in Chemical Pathology, starting her career in medical research, and leading on health economic and epidemiological research within the Department of Public Health at Cambridge University and the Julius Centre at Utrecht University.

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