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Best Practice London & Women's Health Professional Care events are supported by the pharmaceutical and Med Tech industries via Grants, Sponsorship, and Exhibition packages. Sessions delivered with input from our supporters will always be marked on the programme.

A full list of confirmed supporters for Best Practice London can be found here.
A full list of confirmed supporters for Women's Health Professional Care can be found here.

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Dustyn Saint

Dustyn Saint

GP Partner, Primary Care IT Ltd
Dustyn Saint is founder of Primary Care IT and a GP Partner in Rural Norfolk as well as a GP trainer. He has previously held positions as a CCG clinical lead (medicines management and long-term care), ICB GP representative and Clinical Lead for the local federation. He founded Primary Care IT to support practices by sharing the resources that were created to look after his own surgery’s patients. He still works two days a week as a partner and trainer and so has a good feel for what the current challenges within Primary Care are.

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