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Best Practice London & Women's Health Professional Care events are supported by the pharmaceutical and Med Tech industries via Grants, Sponsorship, and Exhibition packages. Sessions delivered with input from our supporters will always be marked on the programme.

A full list of confirmed supporters for Best Practice London can be found here.
A full list of confirmed supporters for Women's Health Professional Care can be found here.

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Emma Tiffin

Emma Tiffin

GP and Associate Director Mental Health and Learning Disabilities, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICB and NHS England
Emma has worked in mental health clinical leadership roles for over 20 years. She has led on the development of sustainable integrated community-based mental health services in Cambridgeshire which include a First Response Crisis Mental Health Service (FRS), a Primary Care Service for Mental Health (PCMHS) / digital solutions and Community Eating Disorders transformation. All have won national awards for innovation. Emma was appointed National GP Advisor for Adult Community MH/ Primary Care in 2020. Emma is a practising GP in Cambridgeshire and ICB Associate Clinical Director of Mental Health/Learning Disabilities. In 2016, Emma was awarded the Health Education England “East of England Leadership Award for Service Improvement and Innovation” and in November 2017 was awarded “Healthcare Leader of the Year” at the national General Practice Awards.

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