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Best Practice London & Women's Health Professional Care events are supported by the pharmaceutical and Med Tech industries via Grants, Sponsorship, and Exhibition packages. Sessions delivered with input from our supporters will always be marked on the programme.

A full list of confirmed supporters for Best Practice London can be found here.
A full list of confirmed supporters for Women's Health Professional Care can be found here.

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Helen Donovan

Helen Donovan

Independent Nurse Consultant, Queen's Nurse and immunisation specialist nurse
Helen Donovan is an experienced nurse leader and Public Health Nurse with a special interest and expertise in vaccination. She currently works as an independent nurse consultant for a number of charities on public health issues and in providing immunisation and vaccination expertise and education. She previously worked for the Royal College of Nursing at the Professional Lead for Public Health. She holds an honorary senior lecturer position at the University of Hertfordshire and is also Chairperson of the Self Care Forum, a national charity working across health and wider organisations to embed self-care into everyday life.

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