Neil Bindemann
Executive Director,
Person-Centred Neurosciences Society
This year, 2025, marks 10 years of a quite extra-ordinary path, that lead me to see we are creators of wellness, although, given the world around us, it is very possible for a person to think and believe they are a 'victim of illness.
My journey began, after life-saving neurosurgery for tumour on the pineal gland in my brain. The tumour, which was found during tests for a suspected neurological condition, had grown to a point that it blocked the CSF flow through the brain. It was as a result of the surgery that a 'life reset button' was detonated, and a passion to be more person-centred began. Over those 10 years I have come to feel through my trauma-informed senses, by going through a rewilding process. That process has involved and included listening to 100s, if not1000s of living and lived experiences, including my father's.
Over those 10 years I have been applying that learning to the immunology and neurosciences education and research, that I experienced. It has been that whole experience which has helped me to offer out a more person-centred lifestyle neuro-immunology approach, with the aim of empowering people to rebalance their emotional health.
This has lead to the original Primary-Care Neurology Society (founded in 2005) becoming the first ever Person-Centred society that focuses on lifestyle neuroscience - still known by many as the P-CNS. Then, in 2022 with great friend and internationally qualified Lifestyle Medicine practitioner, we launched the Lifestyle Health Foundation.
27-Feb-2025GP Clinical Theatre 2Living in the fasting lane - how lifestyle impacts progression of neurological conditions