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Best Practice London & Women's Health Professional Care events are supported by the pharmaceutical and Med Tech industries via Grants, Sponsorship, and Exhibition packages. Sessions delivered with input from our supporters will always be marked on the programme.

A full list of confirmed supporters for Best Practice London can be found here.
A full list of confirmed supporters for Women's Health Professional Care can be found here.

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Nigel Denby

Nigel Denby

CEO and Menopause Dietitian, Harley Street At Home
Nigel Denby BSc RD is an award-winning Registered Dietitian with special clinical interests in menopause and women’s hormonal health, lifelong weight management and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). He has 20 years’ experience of helping people to eat better, feel better and change their lives through practical and realistic, evidence-based nutritional advice. Nigel has a unique ability to translate the science of nutrition & health into practical real-life solutions for conditions that can blight your life. Nigel is the founder of a specialist menopause support community Harley Street At Home: @menopause_dietitian

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